Below is a list of all the cybersecurity firms that I know of. The main purpose of this list is to serve as a checklist while applying for jobs. The companies are listed in alphabetical order.
Some cool websites
It's not the usual topic of this blog, but one of my hobbies includes surfing cool websites, specifically personal websites. Here's a few that I absolutely love. As you will see, I have a thing for CRT, retro-futuristic websites.
Certified Network Security Practitioner review
I recently finished the CNSP certification. In this post, I will review the exam attempt only.
eLearnSecurity Junior Penetration Tester review
I have recently achieved my eJPT certification. As such I will be reviewing my experience and providing some tips.
INE Certified Cloud Associate review
I recently passed the INE Certified Cloud Associate (ICCA) exam with a score of 95%. In this post I will review the exam material and the exam.
Setting up an API hacking lab in Kali Linux
If you want to get started with API hacking, crAPI is one of the best resources to get hands-on practice. This can be done in any Operating System, but for the sake of this walkthrough we will be using Kali Linux.
Starting a blog
I have decided to start a blog to write about things that interest me. The posts will be about security and technology for now, but might cover other topics in the future.